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Honor Societies

Honor societies are national organizations that celebrate the scholarship and leadership of students in specific fields of study. Students who meet certain criteria may earn an invitation to join one of the honor societies listed below.  

Academic Honor Societies

Alpha Chi (All Majors)

Minimum ranking in the top 10 percent of master's, doctoral or undergraduate junior or senior class.

Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology)

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, minimum 3.0 sociology GPA, and minimum junior class standing. 

Alpha Psi Omega (Theater Arts)

Minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA and two semesters of theater production experience.

Chi Sigma Iota (Educational School Counseling)

Minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA, senior class standing leading to graduate classification.

Delta Mu Delta (Business)

Minimum 3.25 cumulative GPA (undergraduate) or 3.85 (graduate), completion of 50% of course work and majoring in business.

Gamma Sigma Epsilon (Chemistry)

Minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA and have completed Organic Chemistry.

Kappa Delta Epsilon (Education)

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (undergraduate) or 3.5 (graduate), minimum sophomore class standing and seeking teacher certification.

Lambda Pi Eta (Communication Arts)

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, minimum 3.25 communication arts GPA, and minimum junior class standing.

Mu Phi Epsilon (Music)

Minimum 3.0 music GPA and majoring or minoring in music.

Phi Alpha (Social Work)

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA (undergraduate) or 3.5 (graduate), minimum 3.25 social work GPA, minimum sophomore class standing and majoring in social work.

Pi Sigma Alpha (Political Science)

Junior/senior standing, completion of 12 semester hours in political science (including three hours upper division), minimum 3.0 political science and overall GPA, academic standing upper third of class.

Psi Chi (Psychology)

Minimum ranking in the top 35% of the respective class, minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, minimum 3.0 psychology GPA, minimum sophomore class standing and majoring or minoring in psychology.

Sigma Alpha Pi (All Majors - Leadership)

Also known as The National Society of Leadership and Success. Membership is by invitation.

Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish)

Minimum ranking in the top 35% of the respective class, minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, minimum sophomore class standing and minimum three years of college-level Spanish courses.

Sigma Tau Delta (English)

Minimum ranking in the top 35% of the respective class, minimum 3.0 cumulative English GPA and minimum sophomore class standing.

Sigma Zeta (Natural Sciences and Mathematics)

Minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA, minimum 3.0 natural sciences or math GPA, minimum sophomore class standing and majoring in natural sciences or mathematics.

Theta Alpha Kappa (Religious Studies & Theology)

Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, minimum 3.5 religious studies GPA and at least 12 hours of religious studies coursework.

